So… for the sake of social distancing, everyone’s trapped in their house. Most public places are shut down, so there’s nowhere to go anyway. It seems like the entire world has come to a standstill. Chances are that you’re bored out of your mind. Everybody is not built to social distance. I, personally am an Essential employee, so I work during the week and Quarantine during the Weekend. We call it Weekend Quarantine. However, if you’re anything like me, while, I’m missing our “regular” lives—structure, school, family—but above all else, I’m really missing my friends… alot. I am an extrovert by nature.
So yeah- it’s been interesting. But the time I miss from my friends I gain with my husband. Yeah. we get to be home for MORE TOGETHER TIME than we’ve ever had. There really is something to that whole “absence makes the heart grow fonder” saying, isn’t there? For the sake of sanity, I still try to ensure each of us has a good bit of alone time. What works best for me is to take an hour for yourself every day. For your own alone time, take extra time in the shower, put on a face mask and watch your favorite show, nap or do yoga.
So, share your tips on how you stay sane… or just vent your annoyances! It’s a safe space here…
I love this website. I am enjoying spending more time with my family also. I pray for protection for you and all essential employees. 💕
THANKS Angie… and SUPER THANKS for all your support:)